As a person-centred organisation, we believe that listening is one of the most important things we can do. Listening well to people we support, their families and our staff helps us to learn and grow as an organisation. Recently, we sent out a survey to everybody we support asking them to let us know what they think about the support we provide…

We asked ‘what do you think about the support that Options provides?’ Here’s what people said:

We asked ‘how reliable do you think we are?’ Here’s what people said:

We asked ‘How many stars would you rate Options?’ Overall, people gave us 4.2 stars!

Things that people wanted to keep the same were:
- Their staff team
- Events run by Options like our ball and our fabulous Christmas parties
- Fun activities and trips
Things that people wanted to change were:
- Even more events and trips
- Having more support staff on their teams
- Better communication when things change
We also received some fabulous compliments…
‘My staff team are fabulous and Margi is lovely with me (she’s the best!)’
‘‘Anthony is very happy with the support he gets and is loving going out more than during the pandemic’
‘A big thank you to all of Options for their support and time’
So, what next?
We’d like to say a huge thank you to people who took the time to fill in the survey and give us some great feedback! We have passed any specific feedback about support on to our Team Leaders who will set clear actions to make sure this feedback is acted on.
A reoccurring theme in the feedback we received highlighted one of the key issues facing social care at the moment: staffing. We understand that consistency in staffing is important to people we support, and we are currently working hard to ensure this is delivered. We are constantly listening to the feedback of our staff and reviewing pay and conditions to ensure that we recruit and retain high-quality staff who share our values and beliefs.
You don’t have to wait for a survey to have your say! People we support are invited to attend our regular ‘Voices ‘R’ Us’ Meetings to give us feedback and help us improve the way we do things at Options. Staff and people we support, along with their friends and families are also welcome to give us a call on 0151 236 0855 and let us know how we’re doing.