Worrying about these things every day means it can be hard to find the time to look after yourself.
Get support for money worries
The cost-of-living crisis affects almost everyone. The cost of heating our homes, keeping the lights on and running the washing machine has increased a lot. And the cost of food means that every meal has to be budgeted for and planned in a way we have not seen for decades.
And of course, the rest of our lives have not stopped. These latest financial worries are on top of our usual stresses around work, family, friends, and our health.
Worrying about these things every day means it can be hard to find the time to look after yourself – it may feel like you do not have the headspace to take on any more.
But even when there’s so much going on, it’s important to find time to protect your well-being and mental health.
Get Help if you are struggling to Manage your Finances
It can feel overwhelming when bills keep arriving on your doorstep or in your email inbox, and it can be tempting to ignore them. But try not to do this. Deal with them when they arrive – this way they will not play on your mind or lead to bigger worries like fines and penalties for non-payment.
Most banks, companies and organisations will understand if you get in touch and explain that you’re struggling. If they know your situation, they may help you come up with a manageable payment plan or negotiate another way forward.
You can speak to your local Citizens Advice if you are worried about paying bills and any debts you may have. They can also advise you on any benefits you may be entitled to that you’re not getting.
Your local council may also be able to help with emergency loans and grants and the Government’s Help for Households – Get government cost of living support has lots of information about what support is available and advice and tips to help you save money.
Here at Options we have partnered up with Transform Lives who have provided us with guidance on how to support our financial wellbeing. Transform Lives are an organisation that work in a person-centred approach towards the difficult situations people find themselves in and supports people to have a greater sense of their positivity, possibility and wellness.
Below we have listed a number of factsheets you can download and popular useful websites you can visit if you need them. Each one has helpful contacts and information in specific areas that may be affecting you.

Transform Lives Company – An organisation that provides training and coach for people who find themselves in difficult situations.

The Trussell Trust – A great resource for information on foodbanks in your area and how to access them.

The Wirral Foodbank – An organisation who can help with food emergencies and information on how to get help.

Your Local Pantry – A resource which explains what a community pantry is, how they’re different to a food bank and where they are located across the UK.

Money Saving Expert – An excellent resource for support with all things financial including debt advice with links to other debt support charities.

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