Connecting with people is crucial for our mental health as humans. We are social beings, and thrive on connections and interactions.
For many people anxiety can be very isolating and therefore it is important that you reach out to others. Connecting with people can help to reduce anxiety, alleviate feelings of loneliness and provide a sense of belonging.
Spending time with friends and loved ones will reduce that sense of isolation but you can also choose to meet new people through activity groups such as social clubs, sports clubs or peer support groups.
Sometimes saying what’s worrying you out loud can take away its power over you. So, if you’re able to talk to people about how you feel, it can help to dramatically reduce your anxiety.
If group activities or clubs aren’t your thing and you don’t feel you can talk to family or friends then please take a minute to watch the video.
Introducing our Mental Health Champions
We know that 1 in 4 people will encounter a mental health difficulty at some point, and this will affect all aspects of our life, including work. As we spend so much of our time at work, it is crucial that we have people in our workplace who we feel comfortable talking to about our wellbeing.
Sometimes it is easier to talk to an understanding peer about stressful or traumatic experiences than to a professional and this can be an invaluable first step in getting the support we need.
At Options we currently have 6 Mental Health Champions who can offer help and support to staff whilst at the same time promoting mental health awareness across the organisation.
Our Mental Health Champions our trained to recognise the warning signs of poor mental health and provide a listening ear for staff to safely talk about their mental health.
Staff often report not knowing who to talk to about their mental health at work, as many fear judgement or bad treatment. With our Mental Health Champions in place, this doubt is removed and will help individuals get the support they need.
So, who are they?

How to get in touch with your Mental health champions.
- Email – mhchampions@ofsl.org.uk
- Call – 0151 236 0855 and ask to speak to Amy or Layla from HR.
How does it work?
Your HR advisor can either signpost you to one of our champions directly or you can choose for yourself who you feel will be best for you to talk to.
All your calls, emails or queries are strictly confidential and only dealt with by HR.

Want to report an error?
Although every care is taken to ensure accuracy, we realise that from time-to-time errors can occur.
To make a report please contact us at Welcome@ofsl.org.uk